Ricardo portrait

Hello πŸ‘‹ I'm Alex
I have a deep appreciation for art and technology, which is why I like building full-stack web applications.

About me ✨

Ever since I was young, technology has always been full of surprises for me. Although a common experience for everybody, from video games to CGI in entertainment, I was personally intrigued to hear how things worked.

Because of this, the accessibility to express yourself, I believe it's the reason I've picked up a lot of hobbies over the years. Well, not that many, but from learning to play the ukulele, painting, skateboarding (I still can't do tricks), to eventually editing, writing music and stories, making video games and web applications, I've always enjoyed the journey, especially since I like to share what I do with my close friends. Occasionally, when it comes to my personal GitHub projects, it's a love-hate relationship because of the bugs I stumble upon, but I manage in the end.

My projects πŸ“š

If a project captures your interest, feel free to visit its GitHub page. You'll discover the complete details accompanied by screenshots!

Povestea lui Harap-Alb

  • React Router & Redux
  • Spring Boot
  • Material UI
  • Phaser
  • PostgreSQL

A full-stack web application featuring authentication, where users can play a pixelated top-down 2D game demo inspired by the renowned Romanian folklore, 'Povestea lui Harap-Alb'. A linear game, they can engage in various mini-games to achieve high scores for a chance to appear on the leaderboards.


  • React Router & Redux
  • TypeScript
  • Spring Boot
  • PostgreSQL

A full-stack web application simulates the management of a company branch, with distinct user roles, including Admin, Manager, and Employee. Each has different responsibilities and restrictions, the focus being on user-friendly CRUD operations and wide statistics across multiple teams.

PDF and XLS Summarization With ChatGPT and Hugging Face

  • Python
  • Streamlit
  • AI
  • LLMs
  • Hugging Face APIs

A solo project to which I was assigned in the last days of my internship at Cicada Technologies. The project involved researching artificial intelligence, large language models, and their application together for summarizing given PDF files and calculating probabilities based on provided XLS files. As part of the research, I also compared OpenAI's large language models and embeddings with free models available on Hugging Face.

Automated Extraction With Trello

  • Python
  • Py-trello
  • Trello API
  • Pandas DataFrame

I had a solo project to which I was assigned in the middle of my internship at Cicada Technologies. The goal of the project was to retrieve data from a Trello board and exporting it to an Excel file. The initial phase involved conducting a brief research study. Using Python togheter with the py-trello library, I developed a script for retrieving the data. I utilized pandas to export the acquired data to an XLS file.

Gordon Ramsay Simulator-ish Demo

  • AI
  • LLMs
  • Hugging Face APIs
  • Next.js

A simple and personal project made in Next.js, where you present Gordon Ramsay with a picture of your favourite food. Based on the image, he will give different responses. The main objective was to understand how to implement HuggingFace's Large Language Models, while also uing their JavaScript libraries, such as inference and agents.

What I'm very comfortable with

What I've worked with in the past

My experience πŸš€

Contact me β˜•

If there's a problem, you can contact me directly at
vadean.flaviu.alex@gmail.com or +40 0757-371-684